Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Life Story of Imam Malik Bin Anas Rhm

Malik Bin Anas

A long time ago precisely in 93 H in the city of Medina was born a boy who later known as Imam Malik.
He chewable Abu Abdillah and his full name Malik bin Anas bin Malik bin Abu 'Amr bin' Amr bin Al-Harith bin Ghaiman bin Khutsail bin 'Amr bin Al Harith Al Himyari Al Ashbahi Al Madani. He was given the title of Shaykh al-Islam, Hujjatul Ummah, Mufti Al Haramain (Mufti two holy land) and Imam Daarul Hijrah.
In the same year died Companions of the Prophet Anas ibn Malik radi 'Umar, waiters Sholallahu Prophet' Alaihi Wasallam.

His father, Anas was a great scholar of the Tabi'in. His mother named 'Aliyah bintu Syariik Al Adziyyah. His uncles named Abu Suhail Nafi ', ​​Uwais, Ar Rabi', An Nadhar, all sons of Abu 'Amr.
Imam Malik grew up in an atmosphere of supervision and care of both parents, all-sufficient, and he has incredible endurance. He is tall and big, white-haired (gray) and a bushy white beard. He is handsome and his skin white with a bluish clear eyes. He liked to wear white clothes and he selali wear clean clothes.
In the teen years, Al Imam Malik started studying. When he was 21 years old, he began teaching and berfatwa. He studied at the famous scholar among Nafi ', ​​Sa'id Al Maqburi, Amir bin Abdullah bin Zubair, Ibn Al Mukandir, Az Zuhri, Abdullah bin Dinaar, and a series of other great scholars.

The disciples of Al Imam Malik aplenty. Among them are very famous is Abadullah bin Ishaq ibn Abu Talha, Abu Ayyub bin Tamimah As Sakhtiyani, Ayyub bin Habiib Al Juhani, Ibrahim ibn 'Uqbah, Isma'il ibn Abi Hakim, Ismail ibn Muhammad ibn Sa'ad and Al Imam Ash-Shafi'i.
Companions Al Imam Malik which are Ma'mar, Ibn Jurayj, Abu Hanifah, 'Amr bin Al-Harith, Al Auza'i, Shu'bah, Ats Thaury, Juwairiyyah bin Asma' Al Layth, Hammad bin Zaid.
Al Imam Malik has a great work in the field of hadith, which is the book Al-Muwatta, other works he is the Minutes fi Al Qadar, Minutes fi al Aqdhiyyah, and the chapters on interpretation. In addition to his other works that are not mentioned here.

Praise that comes from the scholars to Al Imam Malik he proves the high reputation in the fields of science, no less than his disciples, Al Imam ash-Shafi'i said, "Science is swirling around three people, Malik, Layth, and Ibn 'Uyainah ".

Al Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said that Imam Malik viewed from the side of science is more important than al Auza'i, Ats Thaury, al-Layth, Hammad and Al Hakam.
Al Qaththan said, "He (Al Imam Malik) is a priest who should be a role model".
Al Imam Malik is a persistent figure deploy and maintain the belief of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Opinions him about Aqeedah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah reflected his utterances such as:
  1. He said, "Faith is the words and deeds (meaning: faith belief in the liver accompanied by spoken words and deeds of limbs, pent), can increase and decrease and some more important than others."
  2. He said, "The Qur'an was Kalamullah (word of God). Kalamullah it comes from Allah glory to Him. And what comes from God's glory to Him at all times instead of being ".
  3.  He said, "Who is to say that the Qur'an is a creature, then he should be whipped and imprisoned".
  4.  He argues that those who believe will be able to see God's glory to Him on the Day of Resurrection with their eyes.
With regard to morals that should be owned by the prosecution of science Al Imam Malik said, "Let a prosecutor science has persistently properties (steadfast), calm demeanor (authoritative), and Khasyyah (fear of Allah glory to Him)".

He himself is known to be very pious to Allah glory to Him, authoritative and highly respected as Mushab bin Abdullah said in his poem,
If he does not answer the question
the question is not posed anymore
because people are reluctant
it caused the authority and
light ketakwaannya

He respected people although not the ruler. Al Imam Malik died in 179 AH His body was buried in Baqi '. May God pour out His mercy to Imam Malik.

Source readings:
The Book knows best Siyar An Nubalaa
The work of Al Imam Adh Dhahabi

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