Monday 25 January 2016

Life stories Nafi` Maula Imam Ibn Umar Ra


Nafi 'full name Nafi' bin Hurmuz (some say bin Kawus), an expert in fiqh. His nickname was "Abu Abd al-Madini".
Abdullah bin Umar found in a war he is happy to be a penchant Nafi 'of science and always prepare themselves well to narrate. He said: "Indeed Allah has given us the gift of Nafi '.

Nafi 'really sincere in Ibn Umar submissive to his master for 30 years. Some scholars argue that Nafi 'is derived from Nishapur, while other scholars say he was from Kabul. As according to Yahya bin Ma'in: "Nafi In that stuttering is a speech".

Imam Malik bin Anas, including students Nafi 'even the most persistent of his students, according to an-Nasa'i, about this teacher. Imam Malik said: "When I hear his hadith from Nafi ', ​​from Ibn Umar, I do not care anymore, even if I do not hear it from anyone else. From here Imam Bukhari established that the most authentic sanad is Malik from Nafi ', ​​from Ibn Umar.

Nafi 'is not only narrated the hadith of Ibn' Umar but also has the narrations originating from Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, Hazrat Ayesha, and Hazrat Hafsa is Mursal.

Who narrated the hadith from him is: Abdullah bin dinnar, Az-Zuhri, al-Auza'i, Ibn Ishaq, Shalin bin Kaisan, and Ibn Jurayj.

Ibn Umar loved it, there are people willing to pay 30,000 dinars to get Nafi 'then dimerdekakannya.

Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz sent him to Egypt with the task of teaching the hadith and religious knowledge to the population.

He died in 117 H.

Copied from Siroh Nafi 'in Tahdzibil al-Asma' by an-Nawawi

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